How To Overcome Writer's Block | 100+ Sentences To Get Your Creative Gear Running


Overcome Writer's Block
    Image credits: Pedro Araújo

Before anything else, what is writer's block? According to Oxford languages, writer's block is "the condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing". If you're even remotely associated with writing in any form, the stress and frustration of not being able to put your keyboard or pen to work shouldn't be new to you. Everyone has been a victim of writer's block at some point.

Luckily, there's no dearth of articles on the internet and videos on YouTube on how to overcome writer's block. And that means umpteen number of ways to break through this creative obstruction. Some people advocate listening to music, others suggest taking a brisk walk, and so on. Different individuals, varying opinions. 

Even I've my own mechanism to cope with writer's block. I seek inspiration from others' written works to come up with my creations. Scrolling through Quora, reading news editorials, and what not; not only does it pave the way for enhancing my vocabulary, I get to be in someone else's shoes and think from a disparate perspective. The entire process sheds light on my inefficiencies when it comes to writing; the realization that I have a long way to go before my written skills could be labeled as 'top-notch' sets in.

As a result, whenever a sentence, quote, expression, etc. leaves me impressed, I ensure to jot it down ASAP. And I have been doing this for more than two years now. The outcome is a treasure trove of content that clears any writing-related brain fog.

I hope my writing armory turns out to be useful for you. The sentences have been copied directly from their source; hence, grammatical issues may be present. I do not endorse any opinion, perception, suggestion, etc. expressed in the sentences below! They are merely a catalyst to understanding writing styles, build my vocabulary, and expand my understanding of the English language in general.

  • The state-sponsored pageantry (elaborate display or ceremony) of the moment, however, proclaimed their greater victory: the transformation of India from a secular-nationalist republic into an ethno-nationalist state.
  • These filmmakers have helped shape visual storytelling that combines “justice with ethics”
  • On the surface level, and what really carries through to its core, is a vile and disgusting act of murder, which is, at its heart, a reflection of the detriment of neglect and abuse, and how a child is so easily formed and broken by the way in which they have been brought up.
  • They say change is constant. Or perhaps change has only one voice, riding on three octaves.
  • Lata is the voice that has seeped into South Asian consciousness, revered and loved in equal measure.
  • Producer Raju’s damning (extremely critical) edict (an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority)...
  • Therefore think small. Decide what corner of your subject you’re going to bite off, and be content to cover it well and stop.
  • An unwieldy writing task is a drain on your enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the force that keeps you going and keeps the reader in your grip. When your zest begins to ebb, the reader is the first person to know it.
  • His personality and purpose would have been intact, and his article would have held together.
  • Don’t become the prisoner of a preconceived plan. Writing is no respecter of blueprints.
  • Yet, little was known about the taciturn (reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little) lady’s personal life except her spiritualism.
  • Trump played down concerns about being personally vulnerable to contracting COVID-19.
  • Justin delivered an emotional performance on the heels of his new music video for ‘Lonely’.
  • Mirzapur, set in UP, trains the spotlight on a local mafia don, masquerading as a businessman, and his crazy quest for power and money.
  • Ruskin Bond just has an innocence, a quality unmarked by decades of living that makes you feel strangely optimistic about aging.
  • Despite being tied to a lucrative contract that is due to run until summer of 2021, Ozil has tumbled down the pecking order in north london.
  • Traveling will take a battering due to the coronavirus pandemic.
  • I take such comparisons in my stride and I move on.
  • There’s a veil of revenge looming over all those people.
  • When you stack them up side by side, it becomes clear that world records mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. 
  • The necessary authorities have been updated of their situation and we’re complying with the precautionary guidelines.
  • Demand to fly to the Philippines has been stifled by pandemic-related restrictions.
  • In short, airlines will put out a whatever-it-takes strategy.
  • Another irritant adding to the pandemic-induced woes is the small-scale conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. 
  • The campaign was snowballing (increase rapidly in size, intensity, or importance).
  • For the first time, I saw from close quarters how a democratically elected document can be undermined, be conspired against, and made to look bad.
  • The AIIMS report virtually took the winds out of BJP’s sails, prompting the saffron camp to bury the issues before it could boomerang.  
  • We cannot become the conscience keepers for everyone.
  • At a time when racy pop idols and music videos are the norm, AR Rahman’s daughter Khatija seems to go against the grain.
  • I could see the storm brewing. Maryam was the very spirit of defiance.
  • Ali Zafar plays a trigger-happy beefcake.
  • His mother is on another frequency when it comes to her ideologies and the narratives she’s spinning.
  • Farhan Akhtar opens up on “vitriolic news reporting’.
  • I woke my son up at 5 am, despite his protestations.
  • I have always loved watching and taking part in debates - the thrust and parry, intonation, voice modulation, it just excites me.
  • If this happens, the second part of your article will be badly out of joint with the first.
  • The two white house contestants talked over each other and lobbed insults in a breathtaking political brawl that made it hard for either man to make a point.
  • Isn’t it mean on his part to put down an opponent?
  • The presidential debate had long lost its lustre for my son.
  • Of such a progression of sentences, each tugging the reader forward until he is hooked, a writer constructs that fateful unit, the “lead.”
  • Anything will do, as long as it nudges his curiosity and tugs at his sleeve.
  • That may seem hard to believe. If your readers have stuck with you from the beginning, trailing you around blind corners and over bumpy terrain, surely they won’t leave when the end is in sight.
  • Like the minister’s sermon that builds to a series of perfect conclusions that never conclude, an article that doesn’t stop where it should stop becomes a drag and therefore a failure.
  • Corporations have hired consultants to make their prose less opaque, and even the insurance industry is trying to rewrite its policies to tell us in less disastrous English what redress will be ours when disaster strikes.
  • Still, there’s comfort in the sight of so many watchdogs standing Canute-like on the beach, trying to hold back the tide. That’s where all careful writers ought to be—looking at every new piece of flotsam that washes up and asking “Do we need it?”
  • Unity is the anchor of good writing. So, first, get your unities straight. Unity not only keeps the reader from straggling (grow, spread, or be laid out in an irregular, untidy way) off in all directions; it satisfies your readers’ subconscious need for order and reassures them that all is well at the helm.
  • He comes at us in many guises, depending on what kind of material he is trying to purvey (spread or promote an idea, view, etc.).
  • Language is a fabric that changes from one week to another, adding new strands and dropping old ones
  • Thus our 95 percent vote against “myself,” as in “He invited Mary and myself to dinner,” a word condemned as “prissy,” “horrible” and “a genteelism,” ought to warn off anyone who doesn’t want to be prissy (fussily and excessively respectable), horrible or genteel (characterized by exaggerated or affected politeness, refinement, or respectability).
  • A permissive (allowing or characterized by great or excessive freedom of behaviour) parent.
  • Thus a professor would not be among his cohorts at a faculty meeting, but they would abound (exist in large numbers or amounts) at his college reunion, wearing funny hats.
  • Anyway, I accept these two usages gladly. I don’t consider them slang, or put quotation marks around them to show that I’m mucking (remove manure and other dirt from a horse's stable or other animal's dwelling) about in the argot (the jargon or slang of a particular group or class) of the youth culture and really know better.
  • E. B. White is one of my favorite stylists because I’m conscious of being with a man who cares about the cadences and sonorities (the relative loudness of a speech sound) of the language.
  • If all your sentences move at the same plodding (slow-moving and unexciting) gait, which even you recognize as deadly but don’t know how to cure, read them aloud.
  • Remember that words are the only tools you’ve got. Learn to use them with originality and care. And also remember: somebody out there is listening.
  • Now I’m saying you must write for yourself and not be gnawed by worry over whether the reader is tagging along.
  • In terms of craft, there’s no excuse for losing readers through sloppy workmanship.
  • Simplify, prune, and strive for order.
  • Other old writers ramble and repeat themselves; their style is the tip-off that they have turned into garrulous bores. Many college students write as if they were desiccated (lacking vitality or interest) alumni 30 years out.
  • Now with the exception of the Polar Bear, which is entirely carnivorous (due more to its environment than biology), and the Panda, which eats only bamboo (because they are stupid), all these species will gleefully wolf down honey if they can get their grubby (covered with dirt; involving dishonest or disreputable activity; sordid) paws on it.
  • The grubby business of selling arms.
  • Where are these people? It’s hard to glimpse them among all the impersonal passive sentences that say “initiatives were undertaken” and “priorities have been identified.”
  • A generation ago our leaders told us where they stood and what they believed. Today they perform strenuous verbal feats to escape that fate. Watch them wriggle through TV interviews without committing themselves.
  • It’s hard to know where to begin picking from his trove of equivocal statements, but consider this one: “And yet, on balance, affirmative action has, I think, been a qualified success.”
  • That’s a firm conviction? Leaders who bob and weave like aging boxers don’t inspire confidence—or deserve it. The same thing is true of writers. Sell yourself, and your subject will exert its own appeal. Believe in your own identity and your own opinions. Writing is an act of ego, and you might as well admit it. Use its energy to keep yourself going.
  • We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills (an unnecessary extra feature or embellishment) and meaningless jargon.
  • But the secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components. Every word that serves no function, every long word that could be a short word, every adverb that carries the same meaning that’s already in the verb, every passive construction that leaves the reader unsure of who is doing what—these are the thousand and one adulterants that weaken the strength of a sentence. And they usually occur in proportion to education and rank.
  • A person assailed by many forces competing for attention.
  • The man or woman snoozing in a chair with a magazine or a book is a person who was being given too much unnecessary trouble by the writer.
  • Perhaps a sentence is so excessively cluttered that the reader, hacking through the verbiage, simply doesn’t know what it means.
  • Perhaps a sentence has been so shoddily (in a way that involves treating someone without respect, thought, or care) constructed that the reader could read it in several ways.
  • Perhaps the writer has switched pronouns in mid-sentence, or has switched tenses, so the reader loses track of who is talking or when the action took place.
  • Piecing it out like an ancient rune (a section of the Kalevala or of an ancient Scandinavian poem).
  • Writing is hard work. A clear sentence is no accident.
  • Fighting clutter is like fighting weeds—the writer is always slightly behind. New varieties sprout overnight
  • Consider all the prepositions that are draped onto verbs that don’t need any help.
  • By using a more pompous phrase in his professional role he not only sounds more important; he blunts the painful edge of truth.
  • Clutter is the ponderous euphemism that turns a slum into a depressed socioeconomic area, garbage collectors into waste-disposal personnel and the town dump into the volume reduction unit.
  • You will reach for gaudy similes and tinseled (showily or superficially attractive or glamorous) adjectives, as if “style” were something you could buy at the style store and drape onto your words in bright decorator colors.
  • Telling a writer to relax is like telling a man to relax while being examined for a hernia, and as for confidence, see how stiffly he sits, glaring at the screen that awaits his words.
  • We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon.
  • Nevertheless, getting writers to use “I” is seldom easy. They think they must earn the right to reveal their emotions or their thoughts. Or that it’s egotistical. Or that it’s undignified—a fear that afflicts the academic world.
  • What holds me is the enthusiasm of the writer for his field. How was he drawn into it? What emotional baggage did he bring along? How did it change his life?
  • Whenever I began a new project I would first read some White to get his cadences into my ear.
  • I had no inkling of the electronic marvels that would soon revolutionize the act of writing. 
  • They sit down to commit an act of literature, and the self who emerges on paper is far stiffer than the person who sat down to write. The problem is to find the real man or woman behind the tension. 
  • He was going to talk about writing as an avocation (a hobby or minor occupation).
  • Professional writers are solitary drudges (a person made to do hard menial or dull work) who seldom see other writers. 
  • Bloggers are saturating the globe. On one level the new torrent is good news.
  • Cadence: rhythmic flow of a sequence of sounds or words: the cadence of language. ... the flow or rhythm of events, especially the pattern in which something is experienced: the frenetic cadence of modern life.
  • How can they even begin to impose a coherent shape on the past—that vast sprawl of half-remembered people and events and emotions? 
  • They are the same decisions that confront every writer going in search of his or her past: matters of selection, reduction, organization and tone. 
  • Respectable suburban matrons (an older married woman, especially one who is staid or dignified).
  • A frenetic (fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way) pace of activity.
  • Talent – an apparently heartening (increasing cheerfulness or confidence; encouraging) term that has followed Rohit Sharma around like a shadow; even haunted him at times. It seems to be a burden that the cricketing fraternity has enforced upon him and, after more than a decade in the national setting, he has been weighed down by the label.
  • Kangana on Monday was accorded Y-plus category security ahead of her return to Mumbai.
  • Urjit Patel brushed aside a question on reduction in cash reserve ratio (CRR) saying that it is not in the ambit of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC).
  • But then Veeragandham Teja was just 23 years of age to have such an illustrious medical career.
  • He was a hoot (an amusing situation or person).
  • Resumes are often taken for granted. While applicants are busy tinkering (attempt to repair or improve something in a casual or desultory way) their SOPs to perfection, everyone thinks resume is a one night job.
  • This was the time when we filled our corrugated (contract or cause to contract into wrinkles or folds) iron drums to be used throughout the day for cooking, and washing.
  • If you are asked to send an email status update, your engagement manager will want it to be succinct (briefly and clearly expressed) enough to allow her to forward it on to the partner. The time she spends rewriting your work is less time she has to do her own. Expect to be coached on the best way to perform even routine communications.
  • Nissan’s board voted unanimously to oust Carlos Ghosen as chairman.
  • The charismatic Brazilian was the architect and linchpin of the two-decade old alliance.
  • If you welcome constructive criticism as a method of self-improvement, rather than viewing it as something to be avoided, then the culture of a top-tier firm is right for you.
  • The search for perfection in ourselves and others is on the rise and the consequences in terms of productivity, health and attitude are devastating.
  • In fact, it was so hard, I sought therapy during the course. I told Rao, he empathized right off the bat, and held extra office hours for me. He saw I was dedicated.
  • Drastic changes initiated by the new owners could weigh heavily on employee morale and the company’s culture. However, Walmart is confident about what it’s doing.
  • He is very meticulous and hardworking, and really puts in the hours to work on strategy, delegate tasks, maintain a communication stream with state units, and to hone his oration skills.
  • The Renault board indicated that it was in the dark about the details of the allegation.
  • Staring down the barrel of what would be the biggest chase to win an Adelaide Test, Australia needed a strong start from its new opening partnership if it was to stand any chance, but it looked like it was over almost immediately.
  • VIjay Mallaya has really fallen on hard times.
  • At the end of the day, all of us have the urge to while away time flicking through a magazine, walking around the block, or simply doing nothing. We should embrace these moments, and see them as what they are: time well spent.
  • We end up zoning out while at the computer—looking for distraction on social media, telling ourselves we’re “multitasking” while really spending far longer than necessary on the most basic tasks.
  • There will always be an endless list of chores to complete and work to do, and a culture of relentless productivity tells us to get to it right away and feel terribly guilty about any time wasted. But the truth is, a life spent dutifully responding to emails is a dull one indeed. And “wasted” time is, in fact, highly fulfilling and necessary.
  • MySpace decided to blow off (refuse to take notice of, honor, or deal with) two billion viewers
  • When Allan took responsibility for the decision, Angus upped his rhetoric, painting Facebook as a reckless threat to democracy.
  • But his retirement, presumably within the next decade, could help usher in a new way of talking about greatness in basketball: one where vigorous, varied debates about individual players and teams as a whole replace simplistic, mythmaking discussions about godlike talents.
  • "You will take months and by that time, Delhi will collapse and then you will say now the petition has become infructuous (pointless or unnecessary)," the bench observed.
  • Being a rational investor is tough. It often means being a contrarian in your own culture, and going against base human nature.
  • By calling her an "accomplished showman", I don't mean to denigrate (criticize unfairly; disparage) her at all, quite to the contrary.
  • The star with the toothy grin was revered by football purists worldwide. And such veneration usually comes with wads of cash flying your way. It did for Ronaldinho.
  • Ignore the bluster (loud, aggressive, or indignant talk with little effect) from Riyadh. The Saudi economy is dependent on the U.S., which has plenty of power to force concessions.
  • Saif Ali Khan is in top form as a man who lives for (and lives by) bottom lines, a streak of grey hair adding just a further hint of menace to an already conflagrative persona. The actor has an instinctively regal bearing to him which invariably comes to the fore while playing self-made characters like this one, and even when straddled with pedestrian dialogue, he makes some of the lines work. We are told, for instance, that two overarching dictums help chart the course of this steely-eyed business wiz’s life.
  • The very psyche also reflected in media reports when they decided to run articles about their relationship, and ended up focussing mostly on the age gap.
  • On the weekend before the opening gavel (a small hammer with which an auctioneer, a judge, or the chair of a meeting hits a surface to call for attention or order) of what’s being dubbed the Harvard affirmative-action trial...
  • Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said, "underscoring that to make significant progress, one has to 'literally crack the code' and work on the bottlenecks."
  • You are only one skill-set, one connection, or one big idea away from your first million dollars.
  • The day your life will change forever is the day that you start investing in yourself.
  • James Crabtree once visited Mallya at his mansion and was surprised by the shimmering (shining with a soft, slightly wavering light) vision.
  • In remembrance of the 30th anniversary of the passing of one of the greatest leaders, Sheikh Rashed bin Saeed Al Maktoum. A leader that created an inspiring vision for Dubai and its people. His achievements and efforts lives on in our hearts and therefore shall never be forgotten.
  • The fear of being brought to reckoning (the avenging or punishing of past mistakes or misdeeds).
  • Facebook is facing a reckoning over what critics call indefensible excuses for amplifying divisions, hate, and misinformation on its platform.
  • The Defense minister called the report wanton (deliberate and unprovoked) distortion of China’s aims and the relationship between the army and the people.
  • Political conspiracy and vindictive (having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge) behavior against Rhea Chakraborthy will not be tolerated.
  • The two men have been indicted (formally accuse of or charge with a crime) for alleged corruption in the attribution of football broadcasting rights.
  • The nation is the fomenter of regional unrest, the violator of the international order and the destroyer of world peace.
  • Relations between Beijing and Washington have hit their lowest ebb amid simmering disputes over technology, trade, Taiwan, and human rights.
  • People in the entertainment industry are being flogged (promote or talk about something repetitively or at excessive length) by social media.
  • Suspicions of collusion between the Swiss prosecution and FIFA have undermined the club’s credibility.
  • Companies are shirking (avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility)) from accountability. I do not shirk any responsibility in this matter.
  • It is known as a country that relies on conspiracy theories to snuggle out of difficult situations.
  • Burdened with debt, Kishore Biyani sells Big Bazaar.
  • Leveraged to the hilt (to the maximum degree; to the maximum extent) and struggling to honor repayments to lenders, the poster boy of Indian retail, Kishore Biyani sold Future Group.
  • Many lamented (express regret or disappointment about something) the portrayal of violence on television.
  • He never missed an opportunity to disparage (regard or represent as being of little worth) his competitors.
  • He has been vilified (speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner) in the press.
  • The letter to the Gandhis called for sweeping changes in the party.
  • Hina Khan also voiced the same opinion. Rhea has been subjected to an unfair trial that is taxing to both her and her family.
  • Charges levelled by the Congress against Facebook’s Director.
  • He argued that Facebook is non-partisan and strives to ensure that its platforms remain a space where people can express themselves freely.
  • We denounce hate and bigotry in all forms.
  • Shilpa’s controversy with the producers of Gangs of Filmistan has been getting murkier (obscure or morally questionable) each day.
  • You cannot throw your weight around and get things done.
  • India’s first bullet train project is stuck on multiple fronts and staring at a delay of around five years.
  • Ranbir called the tweet utterly deplorable (deserving strong condemnation; completely unacceptable). He even used abusive slurs against her.
  • Delhi metro resumes services after a hiatus of over 5 months.
  • Academics extend solidarity with JU prof subjected to casteist abuse for opposing exams amid pandemic.
  • The children were living in deplorable conditions.
  • "I don't like her dissing (speak disrespectfully to or criticize) my friends"
  • More than the fact that Masaba Gupta is playing her version on the show, it is interesting to see the ace fashion designer has forayed into acting. 
  • The Prime Minister is severely anguished (experiencing or expressing severe mental or physical pain or suffering) by the fire tragedy.
  • The gold bars were found to be concealed in specially tailored cloth vests worn by the passenger.
  • "The smuggling syndicate sourced and recruited poor and needy individuals from various parts of the country, to act as carriers of smuggled gold, by luring them with the prospect of quick and easy money," said the official statement.
  • "No amount of FaceTime and digital immersion can kill the evil of loneliness. I am happy to be back with family and loved ones. Surround yourselves with love... that's the true strength and it's all one needs," she added.
  • Dismissing the Congress' allegations, BJP leaders have been alleging that Facebook favours other parties, with the ruling party''s IT cell head Amit Malviya alleging a "Congress-Facebook nexus".
  • Hitting out at the Congress for alleging a nexus between the BJP and Facebook, Malviya had on Saturday said it is not some social media firm but the people of India who have rejected Rahul Gandhi and his party.
  • After a major political row erupted over the allegations against it, Facebook had earlier said its social media platform prohibits hate speech and content that incites violence, adding these policies are enforced globally without regard to political affiliation.
  • We have our own preparedness and our own answers to everything.
  • Subramaniam’s remark has triggered a row, with political leaders across the divide asking why he does not join politics.
  • All of my best decisions in business and in life have been made with heart, intuition, guts — not [with] analysis,” Bezos said during an interview at the Economic Club Washington D.C. in 2018.
  • It had been a typically belligerent (hostile and aggressive) onslaught from the 36-year-old O'Brien
  • It's palpable ((of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible) and a treat to watch the mother-daughter duo Neena Gupta and Masaba.
  • Carrie Lam has returned her fellowship after a row over whether the finance hub’s academic freedoms are being suppressed.
  • Lam said she was “deeply disappointed by the college smearing a person on the basis of hearsay instead of facts”.
  • Beijing imposed a sweeping security lawon the semi-autonomous city.
  • Regarding such groundless accusations, I wanted to dismiss them with a laugh.
  • Poland is playing an outsized role as protestors in neighbouring Belarus face a brutal law enforcement crackdown.
  • Poland was a strong voice for democracy in Georgia and Ukraine in the past.
  • Modi’s speech drew a lot of praises from social media.
  • PM Modi breaks taboo by talking about sanitary napkins in independence-day speech.
  • It is imperative that women from rural sectors, low-income households are also given this benefit.
  • "The unfortunate demise of Pandit Jasraj Ji leaves a deep void in the Indian cultural sphere. Not only were his renditions outstanding, he also made a mark as an exceptional mentor to several other vocalists. Condolences to his family and admirers worldwide. Om Shanti."
  • This has sparked fears of censorship among the international students and academics.
  • It was a chance to see how China handles democratic dissent and political activism.
  • Laine Pearson has been very vocal about the situation in Hong Kong.
  • The government statement does not address Mr Ghappar’s allegations of mistreatment which, along with the shackling and hooding, included hearing sounds of totrture from elsewhere in the police jail.
  • Ekta Kapoort has been trying to persuade Parth into retainment but the actor has expressed his wish to opt out.
  • Let us know in the comments.
  • For reasons unknown, the university buckled under pressure and transferred the article from the main page to another subsection.
  • China consistently and firmly opposes any official interactions between the US and Taiwan and has made stern ((of a person or their manner) serious and unrelenting, especially in the assertion of authority and exercise of discipline) representations with the US side over this.
  • What the country has done contravened (conflict with (a right, principle, etc), especially to its detriment) its own promises on the question.
  • “I’m seeing a fast bowling renaissance right now and it excites me,”Bishop said.
  • Krishnan Pathak had tested positive for the dreaded virus last week upon reaching Bengaluru.
  • Of course, the health of Indian democracy under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, incumbent for the past six years, has caused widespread concern.
  • For decades, India has defied this conventional scholarly wisdom.
  • If imperfect, the democracy was no mere sham (bogus or false i.e. a thing that is not what it is purported to be).
  • She grew more and more despondent (in low spirits from loss of courage or hope).
  • Despotic (tyrannical). Refugees fleeing from tyranny (cruel and oppressive government or rule).
  • The ideology of enlightened despotism (the exercise of absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way).
  • His surprising observation speaks about the divide between political philosophy and the more empirically driven social sciences--a divide that renders both fields intellectually poorer.
  • The civil hospital administration was not disposing of the bodies on time.
  • Citizens should refrain from taking the law into their own hands.
  • It is beyond any doubt that the mafia is operating with the connivance and collaboration of police officers, civil administration, and political protection.
  • I bear no malice (the desire to harm someone; ill will) towards anybody.
  • The teachers made spiteful (showing or caused malice) little jokes about me.
  • Vasundhra Raje emerged from her long hibernation at the right moment and reasserted her political swag in her trademark fashion
  • I’d heard on the grapevine (used to refer to the circulation of rumours and unofficial information) that the business was nearly settled.
  • All great footballing teams are built on the back of great defenders.
  • His build and endless stamina allowed him to foil any moves that the attackers would make.
  • Shah, during a meeting of its council of foreign ministers, asked OIC to stop “dilly-dallying” on the matter of Kashmir. 
  • Babar Azam has totally shifted Joe Root out of the way. He has been getting plaudits from all over the cricket community for his exquisite knock which consisted of 11 boundaries.
  • Handle Taiwan-related issues prudently and properly to avoid severe damage to China-US relations and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.
  • Build a relationship on coordination, cooperation, and stability in the spirit of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation, but never submit to its bullying and power politics.
  • We will firmly safeguard the nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, uphold our legitimate development rights and interests, and defend our major country status and national dignity. 
  • Some extremist forces in the country continue to stoke trouble.
  • Such behavior openly meddles with Hong Kong affairs, blatantly interferes in the country’s internal affairs, and gravely violates international laws and basic norms of international relations.
  • We urge the nation to grasp the situation, correct its mistake, and immediately stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs. The India-Pakistan relations have soured in the past few months. 
  • We’ll firmly safeguard the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity, uphold our legitimate development rights
  • Rajnath Singh mourned the loss of the celebrated poet and wrote, "With his memorable poetry, he has left an indelible mark on the hearts of people. Today the literary world has suffered a great loss. My condolences to his loved ones in this hour of grief."
  • Kashmir has this problem where people get delusions of grandeur. We hope that Delhi comes out of its delusions.
  • People of J&K are fed up with the squeaky clean image some officers want to cultivate.
  • It is quite alarming to see a civil servant overtly (done without any concealment) spew venom against the mainstream political spectrum to hide the abject (of something bad - experienced or present to a maximum degree) failures of the administration under him since 20 June 2018.
  • Online armies of self-styled Saudi patriots riding a wave of state-led nationalism attack on critics.
  • Trolls distorting political discourse are common in many countries. Their posts frequently tag Saudi security agencies, and their collective roar often leads to detentions, sackings and harassment.
  • These accounts “gave themselves the right” to dig up dirt on those displaying inefficient patriotism.
  • The debate, echoed by other pro-government media, was widely seen as a warning to nationalists to fall in line.
  • The fact that Asimi himself got attacked online after the debate underscores the challenge of reining them in.
  • "a ceasefire had been agreed as a prelude (an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important) to full peace negotiations"
  • No mere democratic election could match the elation of this moment, as far as the Hindu revivalists were concerned; theirs was a victory not over politicians but over history itself. 
  • Twenty, even ten years ago, there would have been agonizing in the media and in public over an Indian prime minister presiding over such a religious-political spectacle.
  • When the mosque that once stood in Ayodhya was demolished by a mob, general revulsion (a sense of disgust and loathing) was great enough for Modi’s predecessors to claim they were ashamed.
  • Resolving the dispute was a card he still hoped, one day, to play for himself.
  • The petty (of little importance; trivial) divisions of party politics.
  • You are reading this because you value good, intelligent and objective journalism.
  • It is likely that you are also hearing of the brutal layoffs and pay-cuts hitting the industry. There are many reasons why the media’s economics is broken. But a big one is that good people are not yet paying enough for good journalism.
  • We also have the country’s most robust editing and fact-checking team, finest news photographers and video professionals.
  • PMO to take stock of railway services merger tomorrow as ministry wants process fast-tracked
  •  The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) is set to take stock of the railway services merger process, in light of the discord among officers, ThePrint has learnt.
  • Incendiary (tending to stir up conflict) rhetoric.
  • The paper, founded in 1989, is known for its incendiary editorials, though its role has evolved from Bal Thackeray’s era to Uddhav Thackeray’s.
  • In the three decades since, Saamana has transitioned from being a medium to publish news about the Shiv Sena, to becoming a newsmaker in itself.
  • Saamana was born to channelise party appeal into a force potent enough to dislodge the Congress regime.
  • “Of course, Uddhav Thackeray’s political stances are different to those that Bal Thackeray used to take, and that gets reflected in Saamana. But, the language is essentially similar,” said Prakash Bal, a political analyst.
  • This comes with a sizable cost. For us to continue bringing quality journalism, we need readers like you to pay for it. Because the advertising market is broken too.
  • If you think we deserve your support, do join us in this endeavour to strengthen fair, free, courageous, and questioning journalism
  • We do not flinch from spending whatever it takes to make sure our reporters reach where the story is. Our stellar coronavirus coverage is a good example. 
  • In two days, both of the groups came with their tails between their legs, saying they were prepared to settle
  • They are worried they have pumped up their supporters so much, now they don’t know how to bring them down!
  • News of the attack will be met with sorrow and revulsion.
  • The most ambitious and effective of today’s populist-nationalists match themselves against the broad sweep of history and seek to reverse it.
  • But those Indians who disapprove of their country’s new orientation have been indisputably beaten in two national elections.
  • They represented, I had always been told, the hate-filled “fringe,” not India’s tolerant mainstream. Give hate enough oxygen, though, and it will inexorably (impossible to stop or prevent) spread.
  • The ministry said while engagement and dialogue at military and diplomatic levels are continuing to arrive at a “mutually acceptable” consensus, “the present stand off is likely to be prolonged”.

Do you want to strengthen your grasp on the English language? Here is a list of books that can help you.

High School English Grammar and Composition Book (Regular Edition)

English Language Skills  A Practical Approach

A History of the English Language

Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder

The Vocabulary Builder Workbook: Simple Lessons and Activities to Teach Yourself Over 1,400 Must-Know Words

Unlock Your Word Power: Have English at Your Fingertips: A Combo Set of 3 Bestselling Books (Word Power Made Easy + Instant Word Power + 30 Days to Better English)


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