
Showing posts with the label Coronavirus

The World Of Work Post COVID-19

A respiratory illness that started from patient zero in Wuhan, a city in China, has now engulfed the entire globe in its clutches. With over 2 million confirmed cases and deaths north of 100,000, Coronavirus, better known as COVID-19, is a challenge unfathomed. History is earmarked with infections and diseases that ravaged continents time and again—Black Death decimated Europe by claiming 200 million lives between 1347 and 1352, Smallpox killed 500 million over decades, bouts of Cholera outbreaks, the emergence of HIV/AIDS and whatnot—the list is huge and intimidating. But COVID-19 is cut from a different cloth, exposing various loopholes and the modern world’s inability to fend off pandemics and epidemics despite advancements in Science, healthcare, and technology. The COVID-19 pandemic has invoked an unprecedented seismic shift across segments—the world economy is declining, third world countries with underdeveloped healthcare industry are spiraling into poverty and darkness (read a