
Showing posts with the label GRE Preparation

How To Prepare For GRE | GRE Preparation

Image Credit: Verbal- 160, Quant-161, and AWA-3.5 It has been more than 170 days since I appeared for the GRE General Test. An avid user of Quora, GRE is one of the topics which I follow on the platform. Most of the questions posted revolve around how to prepare for GRE, how many months are required, which books to read, so on and so forth. This compelled me to write about my preparation strategy in the months leading up to the D-day (read the actual GRE test) on the second of August 2018. Please note that my way of studying may not suit you, but then what’s the harm in reading someone’s two cents on this matter! Quant The questions aren’t difficult. But what makes them challenging is their framing; you need to read the question carefully to get the hang of it. Skimming over them too hastily should be avoided at all costs. For example, one question that I came across while solving a mock was as follows:             A quick glance says the answer is C. Wrong