
Showing posts with the label Delayed Gratification

The Blatant Disregard Towards Delayed Gratification

"Think of the bigger picture..." — I’ve come across this cheesy one-liner umpteen number of times. Yet, it saddens me to say that people don’t realize the valuable lesson entailed in this statement. One facet of life where we fail to see the bigger picture is when it comes to the concept of delayed gratification. Most of us, if not all, tend to favor the immediate reward and cannot wait for something later. This happens in spite of knowing that the latter, which carries greater weight, magnifies the result as compared to the former. I believe temptation is the driving factor behind most of our decisions. Feel free to throw in other aspects such as circumstances, etc. It’s just that temptation is at the center with the others acting like spokes emanating out of this hub. Grit and resilience, among other fancy terms, are the darlings of motivational speakers and spiritual gurus. It’s worth knowing that temptation is the undercurrent behind these attributes of persona